Phones running on Microsoft's mobile operating systems Windows Phone or Windows Mobile saw a decline in sales of 57% compared to the year before. Since 2014 the number of sold Lumia phones decreases at a constant rate. In that year Microsoft sold 10.5 million smartphones, last year that dropped to 4.5 million.

About 110 million Lumia phones were sold since their introduction. That's no match to iPhones and Android phones. In the same timeframe more than 4.5 billion smartphones running iOS or Android were sold.
Microsoft has announced to introduce even less Lumia phones the coming time. That decision might cause even lower sales numbers, unless other manufacturers are going to develop phones running on Microsoft's mobile operating systems. But with the relative small number of users that likely won't happen.
Also the number of apps for Microsoft's mobile operating system lags behind, even worse, less and less companies are developing apps for them.
In the tablet market Microsoft has more success, its Surface tablets are selling well.
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