1. 10 ways robots can change politics in India

Going forward human beings will interact more with bots or artificial intelligence regularly. Microsoft at its Build developers conference had ordered a pizza from a local Domino's outlet through a bot.

Facebook also announced bots for its Messenger app which will help users directly order gifts and flowers and more.

Of course, it is too early to say bots that will go mainstream soon, especially when they still need to be disciplined. However, artificial intelligence (AI) is likely to take over several human roles in future.

With developers polishing this synergy, bots could be deployed in more meaningful scenarios apart from just food ordering, customer support services or fight wars.

A Japanese AI program reportedly wrote a short-form novel and cleared the first screening test of Japanese literary prize -- Nikkei Hoshi Shinichi Literary Award. Though the novel couldn't eventually win the award.

If bots or AI can outsmart humans in literature, imagine what if citizens could make politicians out of bots. Can AI truly make a "government of the people, by the people and for the people"? Here are 10 ways politics in India can change if run by bots.

(This story is just to tickle the interests of readers and has nothing to do with any politician, political party or politics of the country)

2. Programmed by the citizens

Bots need to be programmed before they can actually deliver. However, if properly disciplined and free of bugs, these bots might deliver exactly what people want. The needs and expectation of every member of a society from the government is different. The bot will actually respect this difference (which, otherwise, is not humanly possible) and consider the needs of everyone and figure out a workable solution and prioritise them accordingly. The least citizens can do is tame procrastination at its roots.

3. Always connected

Imagine a government always connected to its citizen real time via Twitter or any other social app. Bots can do it. These can be programmed to listen to every citizen and respond asap. The idea of having a bot as an MLA is to get things done faster and effectively. While humans can still continue to be leaders, bots might bring much needed agility in the system.

4. Work beyond regional bias

The bot can get a dashboard view of the ground reality and act according. Like deploy more police force at a relatively unsafe locality or order more water trucks to dry regions or make traffic smooth quickly. When bots interact among themselves, people can expect the workflow to get faster. Bots can calculate how much subsidy can the state actually afford or whether it is time to increase taxes on certain sectors. People can expect it to do what is best for the overall society without any discrimination.

5. Keep religion out

With due respect to every religion, anyone would believe that religion is best kept out of politics. It simply makes decision-making more complicated. Bots can be configured to remain independent of all religion and focus actually improving lives. Not to forget, it can also be used to preach the true lessons of any holy text and not force something modified as per convenience on the believers.

6. Less of talking, more of work

Anyone following politics would agree that most politicians spend a significant amount of their productive time in commenting on their opponents. Instead of solutions or even a vision, most just talk and sometimes make very little sense. Bots can be programmed to talk only when required.

7. No corruption

Like humans, bots can also get corrupt. However, bots can be fixed by adding a few lines of codes as they lack greed. As far as corruption is concerned, we all know artificial intelligence can drastically reduce scope of being corrupt.

8. Can be improved always

Bots can always be improved and their results can be monitored real time. While humans take a lot of time to improve themselves, bots can change and adapt almost instantaneously. There is a popular saying, "In a democracy, what people hear is always different from what the government actually says." This does not apply to bots.

9. No Parliament disruptions

No procrastination. Bots never tire. Clearly bills, implementing new laws or auditing existing policies, bots can be programmed to compute things faster than humans.

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10. No hidden agendas

When bots are designed by citizens themselves, they will know exactly how each program actually responds. There are no hidden agendas or gimmicks to attract votes. The deal is simple. If an opponent comes up with a better bot, he wins the next election.

Image courtesy: badlyproductions

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11. Redefine politics

Citizens will find a government that actually gives in its 100%. A self-learning system which constantly looks at finding ways to improve lives and serve what is best for its citizens. However, with bots, there will hardly be any politics left in governance.

Image courtesy: phys.org

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